Will there Be a Bill this Year? What Will it Look Like?
Join theEnergyCollective.com and WattHead.org's Jesse Jenkins for a Live Webcast September 30, 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST. Register here today.
Key U.S. CEOs and world leaders are urging the Obama Administration not to go empty-handed to the UNFCCC Conference in Copenhagen this December. All eyes are on the president, who will address the UN on climate change in New York on September 22 while the Senate considers climate legislation back in DC. But with the President’s focus on passing health care legislation, the climate bill awaiting action in the Senate risks being “back-burnered.”
Todd Stern, the U.S. State Department lead negotiator, has urged Congress to act. How critical is it that the U.S. climate negotiators have a bill this year? Would a strong bilateral China-U.S. agreement before December be sufficient instead? In the Senate, what type of climate and energy bill has the greatest likelihood of passage, and how will it differ from the House version? Do you agree with TEC blogger Joe Romm of climateprogress.org that there could be a “better” climate bill next year?
To explore these issues and to answer your questions about the current legislation, The Energy Collective and several of its members are presenting a live interactive panel discussion on September 30, at 1 pm Eastern. We hope you will join us.
All participant will be able to submit questions to our panel of experts. Moderator Marc Gunther will also explore questions such as these:
- What are the sections of the bill that have the greatest support?
- Is there any chance of a bi-partisan bill? If so, what is required for Republican support?
- What role will nuclear play in the climate legislation? Will the new nuclear title negotiated over break remain intact? Will there be greater support for loan guarantees?
- What about oversight for carbon markets, as addressed in the House bill?
- Will there be more concessions and free allowance allocation to carbon producers (oil & gas, utilities, industrial manufacturers) in the Senate version?
- Will a safety valve be necessary politically, and to ensure carbon permit prices are stable and predictable?
- How strong will international trade protection be? Will Obama reconsider mandatory border-tax adjustments to protect U.S. industries?
- What role will the EPA play in the negotiations?
- If legislation is not enacted this year, what constructive action, if any, can the U.S. government take at Copenhagen?
Register to reserve your spot for the webinar today by clicking this link. See below the fold for bios of the participants...

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